
Monday, July 18, 2022

John Lennon on Liverpool (Pierhead)

 This quote always saddens me and I too have a strange relationship with pier head. It is in my blood somehow and certainly triggers my childhood memories. It has promise, the excitement of going somewhere, the first place I ever recall that had echoes of travel and exotic locations, the walk down the slipways is especially evocative even just to cross the River Mersey by ferry. Later when travelling to the Isle of Man it filled me with the the same feeling . . . . . . . . .

John and Paul at Pierhead Liverpool

"Y’know, years ago as a kid I can remember sitting down by the pier head in Liverpool looking across the Mersey and wondering about America. Now I go down to the New York docks and wonder about Liverpool. Only I’m not homesick or anything. I’ll probably go back to Britain to die — if they’ll have me back."

John Lennon cover story, from the Australian TV World Magazine (January 14, 1981) a year after his death

The Beatles sculpture Pier head Albert Dock Liverpool

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