
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Rory Gallagher: Irish Tour' 74 (7CD Box Set, 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition 2014) + Irish Tour' 74 (Original Album) - URBANASPIRINES

So Kostas has done it again and the Gallagher treats just keep on coming. This discusses the original Live Tour of Ireland '74 (from Cork to Belfast and Dublin) and what the band went through to get this recorded and the 40th Anniversary re-issue 7 (SEVEN! Count 'em!) box set celebrating that event So eight disc all together! 

Original cover


Rory Gallagher - IRISH TOUR 1974 40th Anniversary Box Set - Urbanaspirines

It should be noted the seven disc Box set is out of print hence its availability here and the re-issue of the 40th Anniversary album is a straight re-issue of the orinal album also out of print. If you know otherwise please let me know!

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