
Tuesday, August 09, 2022


My son sent me this and, whilst fairly easy to come up with such a large number (its harder to make a Top Twenty, Top 10, 50, 30 or heaven's forbid a top 3!) the blunderbuss at the barn door methodology make this list of Edgar's top 1,000 best films, it's easier to spot what's in it than what's missing! (Go on try!)

But fascinating none the less . . . . . . . . how many have you seen? Most? Half? I stopped counting after 300 but might go back through and see (see below )

  Co-written with Sam DiSalle over at MUBI

they say:

This list of personal favourites was assembled by Edgar Wright and myself in July 2016. Films are in chronological order.

Note from Edgar:

“This is a personal and subjective list of 1000 favourite movies from 100 years of cinema. It’s not a set text or intended as any bible of ‘greatest’ films. I decided to put this together as a fluid list for my own enjoyment, amusement and reference. I hope it’s fun for you to pore over and dive into some of the films you haven’t seen or haven’t heard of.

Don’t get all riled up about omissions or which movies you think should be favourites of mine, the truth is I may very well like / not like or not have seen the movies you think are missing. In fact, I like way more than 1000 movies, but any longer and this list would be really insane.

Thanks to Sam DiSalle for helping me put it together. If you feel so inspired, make your own list. Film watching is a life time pursuit and there’s many more films out there for me to see. This site is a great place to start."

Edgar Wright, Aug 2016."

Edgar Wright's Top 1000 Films

EG - I have seen 30 out of the last one hundred

33 out of the 800s

57 out of the 700s

63 of the 600s

65 of the 500s

71 of the 400s

62 of the 300s

48 of the 200s

36 0f the 100s

40 of the first one hundred

I expect you do better . . . . . but hey who's counting?!

Oh yeah, ME!


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