
Friday, September 09, 2022

Bob Dylan and His Band Bournemouth International Centre UK October 14th 2011 - Hear Rock City

Rain Falling On My Shoes ... "Down Every Street"

this from Hear Rock City this morning and remarkably good quality and we may have gotten rather blasé about live Bob Dylan in recent years as the plethora of recordings of pretty much every evening have begun to pale as the quality and balance sounds so much the same, vocals mixed back and his vocal style deserves some clarity and tweaking IMHO but the bass heavy ambience grates after a while too and yet this recording is fine and highly listenable too. It also is not solely the Bournemouth concert but includes 12 tracks from the Capital FM Arena in Nottingham two days earlier than the Bournemouth gig. (Although despite it being the venue of Capital FM this again is a soundboard with the usual issues which is a shame, you'd think recording it at a venue owned by a Radio station they would have better sources but this will do!)

Well worth checking out if you don't have any from 2011

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