
Monday, September 05, 2022

BOB DYLAN ROUGH & ROWDY WAYS TOUR - New Theatre Oxford Sells Out in minutes!

Totally gutted to miss out on tickets for Bob at my local theatre here in Oxford. Sold Out in minutes and was in a queue (virtual) and missed out by the skin of my teeth!

[thanks are due to my neighbour and virtual pal Diamond Dave for the original heads up]



  1. Sorry to hear this Andy - know how much you love the man! Afraid he's Marmite to me (yes, I know you won't understand ;), so not too bothered. All the best and keep on rocking in the free world. DD

  2. I love Marmite! and want to marry it . . . . . . . . . . . (sorry not sorry!)
    Thanks for the kind words Dave, its still really sore, I got through and the front of the queue and then payment method crashed and I got sent to the back of the queue again! Not impressed with the ticket company . . . . . . . still I'll live!
