
Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Famous Muses & Groupies, Girlfriends and Wives in Rock Music :: Alice Ormsby Gore


Alice Ormsby Gore (22nd April 1952 – 5th April 1995):

The Honourable Alice Magdalen Sarah Ormsby-Gore was a runway and fashion model and a film and stage musical actress, a socialite and muse. She was involved in charity projects to raise money for children through music festivals. 

She was the daughter of William David Ormsby Gore, 5th Baron Harlech who later would be the British Ambassador in the USA during Kennedy’s government.

Alice lost her mother in a car accident when she was just 15, and at 16 she met musician Eric Clapton. He was an alcoholic and was using heroin, and dragged the teenage Alice down with him. They broke up in 1974, when he was clean thanks to her father. 

In 1994 she was treated in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital for a time with liver and pancreatic illness caused by alcohol. She also had heart problems. She was persuaded to register at the Priory Hospital in South West London for treatment for heroin and alcohol addiction but she found it hard to deal with the group therapy on offer because she felt she couldn’t speak openly about her time with Eric. Her last months were spent in Bournemouth, Dorset, living on benefits with some support from Narcotics Anonymous. 

Sadly, she died of a heroin overdose in Bournemouth, the 5th April 1995. Her body was discovered three days later. She was 42.

Source: Little Queenies 


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