
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Dr John and Doyle Bramhall on Stevie Ray Vaughan


such a lovely almost gentle portrait . . . . by Pat Savage

Doyle Bramhall : I had great admiration for Stevie Ray Vaughan as a musician and a person because he always lived life to the fullest. Every time you were around him, he was a constant reminder that today is all we have guaranteed. 

Even in the early days, whether he was buying a pair of boots, or trying out amps, he was just completely into it. He was never satisfied with staying in one spot. He wanted to stretch and that is what made him one of a kind. Several times, when it seemed like he couldn’t get any better, he took it to another level. He was always pushing the doors open and never wanted to stay the same.

Dr. John : Stevie started blowing me away one night when we were hanging at his pad. He put on some trippy, difficult Hendrix album and started playing along with it, which impressed me. Then he started playing off it, getting down, improvising and I thought, “Man, this kid is jamming with Jimi Hendrix.” That’s when I saw something real unique in what he was going for, and realized that this guy was something altogether different, someone who was taking the instrument somewhere new, really striving for something big.

Quotes from  Texas Flood: The Inside Story of Stevie Ray Vaughan

by Alan Paul and Andy Aledort

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