
Sunday, December 11, 2022

SINGLE of THE WEEK (MONTH?, YEAR?) Professor Longhair - Look What You're Doing To Me 1957 | Guess I'm Dumb


Every now and again we find a gem and a single we haven't heard before! 

Thanks to Guess I'm Dumb we have a Professor Longhair classic here with full band. I don't have this single on any of the many albums I have and I know I have prolly banged on about Fess for an age but this is  a TREAT and no mistake! 

His single 'Mardi Gras in New Orleans (Got To The Mardi Gras)' is released every year in N'Orleans and despite his impoverishments when found sweeping up in the local record store and Dr John's patronage he only finally achieved his due fame at the end of his life and featured heavily in Allen Toussaint's TV programme (the first music show on the UK's newest Channel 4 way back when) 'Piano Players Rarely Play Together' featuring Allen and Fess with the equally legendary Tuts Washington. Dr John finally got him back in the studio with New Orleans' finest to record Crawfish Fiesta just released posthumously and the TV programme featured Fess' wake as he passed away during the filming. At least these and more contributed to his following and I hope he died happy that finally he realised people like Paul McCartney appreciated who he was 'the Bach of Rock' as Allen Toussaint put it!

  • Track Name

    Look What You're Doing to Me

  • Artist

    Professor Longhair

Professor Longhair - Look What You’re Doing to Me (1957)

G'Night Fess (Henry Roeland Byrd 1918 - 1980)

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