
Friday, January 27, 2023

Journey To Inner Space With The Groundhogs | AQUARIUM DRUNKARD

 This is worth a read too . . . . . . . . . TS McPhee and The Groundhogs


  1. Andy, Wonderful stuff and happy memories. Saw them at the Town Hall and later at New Theatre (when Split took off). What a band and we played Split to death (weren't they once on TOTP playing Cherry Red - or am I imagining it?). The other LPs couldn't quite catch that magic in my eyes (ears?). All the best and keep on rocking in the free world. The guy next door.

  2. Why thank you kindly neighbour! Thanks for dropping by for a cup of Java!

    Great memories there Diamond Dave and wow I am pretty sure your right about the TOTP appearance or has your power of suggestion brainwashed me!? Pretty sure you are right there might have to try n check that out . . . . . .I saw them too live but at a festival and cannot recall where now maybe the Town Hall too . . . . . can’t imagine why my memory’s so shot!?
    I know what you mean about later albums and so on but this article is a doozy and the choice of Split is a superb memory I thought.
    Thanks Dave always glad you find the time to drop by . . . Have a great weekend bro!
