
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Revisiting Bob in Interview . . . . . . . . "Bob Dylan reacts to an Australian journalist" (1986)

 Bobby Interview from 1986 . . . . . just as mercurial, just as obtuse and just as awkward  . . . .and that’s just the interviewer!!! Sheeesh! (Talking to him in the third person doesn’t help! He perseveres which is fine and there are apologists for this guy who does his best doubtless but a Dylan rocking in his seat shows stress and discomfort, as any animal response would indicate, and shows he would rather be somewhere else, but whilst he is amused enough to stay a while . . . . . . . . . .) aaah that smile!

Outtake version of To Fall In Love With You from Hearts of Fire . . . . go on ask him what it’s about!

I love Bob interviews . . . . . . . . . 


  1. Fascinating, his lyrics have always had double or triple meanings, but so have his answers in every interview I've ever seen.

  2. Spot on Jobe! I love his interviews and they are often so funny
    Thanks for dropping by brother Jobe

    (The Jeff Beck back at HQ are most welcome . . . just downloading them now)
