
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sound for a Sunday | DAVID KILGOUR - BBC WORLD (The Far Now) - Guess I’m Dumb

  • Track Name

    BBC World

  • Album

    The Far Now

  • Artist

    David Kilgour 

David Kilgour - BBC World (2007)

"Hamish is gone, but his brother is still going strong. One writer described his recordings as “luminous, mysterious and inexplicably gorgeous“. One of my favourite artists."

Thanks again to Guess I’m Dumb for the suggestion . . . . . once again we are minded that this interweb malarkey is where to find new voices and I am not ashamed to say but I did not know David Gilgour very well other than with the Heavy Eights (see links) so this solo effort is thanks an extra lot to Guess I’m Dumb but I love finding new sounds out n about on the t'interwebie mcthingie! . . . . . . . . . enjoy

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