
Thursday, March 02, 2023

David Bowie - R.C.A. Nipper Series 1979 | VOODOO WAGON|Jobe

 Well here’s something of a curio that Jobe has dug up on the Wagon . . . . . . 

B ★ O ★ W  I  E  

RCA Nipper Radio Series

a mystery because nobody seems to know where it’s from. The entry of it on YouTube is something but misleading somewhat as it states it is Reel To Reel company ReelHiFi who sourced it and certainly shows the reel to reel concerned ( seemingly) although copies of it are held and to be found in American University libraries like Rice University who state it is an interview with Brian Eno which it patently ISN’T!

Whatever it is highly enjoyable and very good quality you can always rely on Jobe to turn up the goods . . . . the source of the dialogue with David? Who knows? Not me!

David Bowie download here . . . . .

David Bowie RCA Nipper radio series Part 2 (YouTube) here

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