
Saturday, March 04, 2023

Singles Bought When they Came out No. 369 - The Archies - Sugar, Sugar 1969

 The reason? yes, this one is a difficult one and embarrassing to admit to in retrospect but the key was dancing . . . . . . .with girls! I was a teenager! It is what we did . . . . . .down the youth club and elsewhere

Put a little sugar on it!


  1. In 2006 we took my father to Bruges for a surprise Easter weekend away in Bruges, staying on a hotel that was also a barge, called, appropriately enough, Hotel de Barge. One evening we ate on the barge itself, a splendid meal fuelled by equally splendid red wine, & after both had royally kicked in 'Sugar Sugar' randomly started to play over the sound system. Dad chose this landmark family occasion to regale us all with a tale of his trip to the Motor Show in the late 1960's which naturally included a visit to a club in Soho where a young lady entertained the patrons to a spirited 'go-go' dance routine to The Archies one & only hit.Given the venue the news that she also divested herself of all garments in the process will fail to surprise you.'I can never hear Sugar Sugar'without thinking about that night' said the old fella.Neither can I now you bugger....

  2. .....that's my late father not your good self of course. Funnily enough though it was his 70th birthday we were celebrating!

  3. Brilliant! Great story Phil I LOVE it! I first heard The Archies sole hit on a school cruise in the Med (yes really!) and learned to dance to this song along with other hits of the day but can’t beat your Dad’s fine recollection! As memory serves I only met him the once . . . and your lovely Mum but your sister twice as I recall. Hope all is well I owe you a long email but am remiss!
    A catch up and a coffee would be mighty fine!
