
Sunday, April 02, 2023

The Monalisa Twins - ‘Orange' and ‘Why?' - New Album out now!

 So my twofer from the MonaLisa Twins arrived and is on the decks as we speak. I have to say even the packaging was amazing and everything including the parcel and then even the bill and the contents were exceptional, postcard and free sticker after only buying one CD and get their previous one for free is just a marketing dream!

Very clever and they are really good fun and very talented even roping dear Dad into the production! Look out for my old favourite on harp Mr John B Sebastian!

I’m Looking Through You - Beatles cover

Waiting for The Waiter (feat. John B Sebastian)

From their album live at The Cavern Club (they were artists in residence there!) 
Here’s Drive My Car

They’re from Manchester [ via Austria! ]

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