
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Stones and Brian Jones | Nick Broomfield

One of the saddest programmes and thoroughly depressing bio films from Nick Broomfield about the sad and tragically short life of Brian Jones the founder of the Greatest Rock ’N’ Roll Band in The World


TV last night: Nick Broomfield delves into the life of the unknown Rolling Stone

Founder and guitarist Brian Jones was the ‘heart and soul’ of the band. Plus: is everything about to go up in flames on Succession? Here’s what to watch yesterday evening

The Stones and Brian Jones

9pm, BBC Two

“He was the heart and soul of the Stones, yet most people today haven’t even heard of him.” For his latest documentary, Nick Broomfield delves into the life of the Rolling Stones founder and lead guitarist Brian Jones, who died when he was just 27 years old. Broomfield uses plenty of archive footage released for the first time, which really brings the buzz of the 60s to life. Hollie Richardson

THE STONES & BRIAN JONES - Sex Drugs and Telent Cut Short review | THE GUARDIAN

Rock N Roll Circus You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Rock N Roll Circus - Sympathy For The Devil

Brian Jones and the 27 Club

Like many an insecure youngster Jones was a bully and when given power within a cultural phenomenon like the Stones it became problematic thus began his downward spiral remarkably quickly. Despite Broomfield's ludicrous vainglorious schoolboy ‘connection’ relying solely on a supposed sighting claiming Jones as a fellow trainspotter aboard his train from public school, this biopic descends into maudlin drooling relatively early on and with his five children born of five different young women, his insecurity and petulant temper tantrums and doubt in his own talents (still unproven to me despite Bill Wyman’s singular support Jones was the inevitable Jack of All Trades Master of None. That he was the catalyst is true I grant you but the snag with hiring is you employ folk better than you and the ‘heart and soul’ of the Rolling Stones was the duo who transformed a fairly standard beat combo blues band into the greatest Rock N Rollers ever, Mick and Keef). Jones emerges as nasty, controlling, narcissistic in extremis, a merely petulant dilettante at that and at once fickle, cruel and incontinently promiscuous as the sixties made of such ’stars’. Some of Jones’ children not even discovering their father’s identity until the 2000’s! Charlie and Bill defend him because they are/were like that, nice, the women were seduced into believing otherwise in the vain hope he would stick around, he wouldn't but as Keith has had cause to reflect unfortunately Brian was a “right c**t"! 1 1981


This scattergun biography has a tone that unsettles and reveals something of the darker side, the unstructured anarchism that comes with limitless sudden wealth and sycophantic adoration from fans that leads you and others to believe you possessed of genius (- he really wasn’t!) that would lead to Jones’ untimely death from a combination of self indulgence while drowning with rampant liver disease at the ripe old age of 27! 
Alcohol and smack will do that


  1. Largely agree Andy.Great look but clearly a nasty little man. Nick Broomfield is also a genius in his own mind, & has managed the impossible here, making a film about The Stones & all who sailed in them during the '60's which failed to retain my interest for the duration. Some great footage but why (as ever) do we have to hear NB's largely irrelevant voice & opinions throughout? Shut up & let the protagonists tell the tale man! Hope all is well. Keep up the good work.

  2. Totally agree. Was going to say more re NB but you have put it in a nutshell. Even the story about the train - what’s the point? So you're a sycophant? So what? He does this over and over in that dreadful monotonous voice and tries desperately to make his work about him! “Shut up” couldn’t agree more!

    Was only thinking I should email you so I will . . . but later. . . . .at hospital all day today so maybe later on. Routine boring shite but hey ho!
    Hope all is well with you too!
    The last missive about your job sounded bloody awful and have been concerned! Hope things have improved!
    laters potaters
