
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Curved Air: The Albums 1970-1973 (4 CD Box) + Midnight Wire 1975 + Airborne 1976 | URBANASPIRINES

So Kostas does it again! (How DOES he find the time!) another profile and another candidate for albums bought when they came out (Air Conditioning) We saw Sonja Kristina and Curved Air at the local town hall and were totally blown away never having heard anything quite like it (then or since to be fair) The marriage of a breathtaking beauty on vocals, Darryl Way on electric violin and a full on rock band with central quite staggering guitarist in Francis Monkman made for a quintet of groundbreaking prog rock form

Bought when it came out and saw them play at Oxford Town Hall


  1. Always welcome Kostas and another fine effort from you I say!
