
Monday, June 05, 2023

Guitars . . . . . . . . did Jimi Hendrix play a Fender Telecaster?

 Diamond Dave (he's a neighbour you know!?) and I were chatting t’other day about the guitars Jimi used with a piece on his playing his own Les Paul which didn’t exactly loom large in his collections and seems to have lasted less than a few gigs really and I looked around and couldn’t find any of him playing a Telecaster. Yet the rumour mill has it that he used one on Purple Haze in the studio! Now the article here from Guitar Player Magazine puts that one to bed, seems its true and he ‘borrowed’ it from Noel (originally a six string player, lead and rhythm guitar over bass) which it seemed even he had borrowed from a mate (after Jimi had planted his beloved white strat through the ceiling of a particularly low dive and bending a machine head!) and as to what happened to that one we seem to have lost in the mists of time. The answer to all this and more is one Roger Mayer the creator of the Octavia effects pedal which was used for the first time on that recording. This article is however really worth a read!

During the mid-‘60s, Roger Mayer was working as a scientist for the UK government specialising in acoustic analysis. But his listening skills went much further than that. Having already turned his hand to developing revolutionary guitar tones with the likes of Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page, in 1967 he struck up a close friendship with new kid on the block, Jimi Hendrix. 
Working closely with Hendrix in the studio to achieve some of the most groundbreaking tones in rock ‘n’ roll history Mayer soon became known as the guitarist's “secret studio weapon”.


Now I take it this is more than an advert for the new Octavia but hey, lets all go buy one and find out!

It is even now referred to as The Grail Guitar . . . there is even a book about it The Grail Guitar by Chris Adams

Jimi Hendrix and why he ditched his Fender Start for a Tele! - Guitar Player

Purchase the new limited edition signed Roger Mayer Purple Haze Octavia here


  1. Wow Andy, you really have done your homework on this one, and proved he did actually play a Tele - if only for a few hours. Am gonna have to track down a second hand copy of the grail book now though! Nice one.
    So, if I go and buy a Roger Mayer Purple Haze Octavia, I'll be able to play just like Jimi? Yes? Reminds me of when I was starting to learn guitar, and I bought the sheet music for Electric Ladyland, to learn Voodoo Chile. I can't read actual music, but thought that wouldn't stop me. Although I just couldn't understand how, if I played the E chord like it showed through the verse, it didn't sound anything like it!!!!
    Keep up the great work. DD

  2. Oh it was an absolute pleasure Dave. Loved hunting the story down. Be careful mind you the Octavia is nearly £1700!?!? And it still sure as eggs is eggs wouldn’t make me sound like Jimi! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    I find the thing about what guitars he played fascinating there’s the thing about people think the Tele was a ‘Country’ geetar! Jimi is even quoted as saying so. And it only has limited sound range. But the notion is the pick-up nearest the neck sounded most like a Strat!? Would love a Stratocaster! Was looking at them yesterday and new ones range from £700 to £1,800!? Go figure! My problem is I would like a true vintage one from the sixties but the would set you back about £20K +++!!!!

    THanks as ever for dropping by my fren

  3. There was only one maestro Andy - irrespective which type of guitar he played!!!
    I too link a Tele with 'Country', not helped by this chap, who takes some beating IMHO on a Tele (albeit this ain't a Fender - but , when I win the lottery, I'll get you one!)
    Although, in saying that, check him out here playing all the rock classics on a Tele. Awesome.
    Y'all call again now, y'hear. DD

  4. Awesome! That first clip with the Crook is just staggering stuff and what boxes those are!
    Thanks Dave
    Have a great day all n y’all!
