
Friday, June 16, 2023

PHOEBE BRIDGERS - MEXICO CITY 2022 [FIXED from January version] :: BIG O


This is a fix to one that Big O posted back in January this year and all the more welcome for that. 

NOTE: Should anyone be even remotely interested the funny little schoolboy trolls pretending to be me are not ME! As if I needed to tell you. I visit Big O daily along with a load of fellow music bloggers [principally FLOPPY BOOT STOMP and VOODOO WAGON] to check out the postings and download music but I don’t post on the comments there anymore! Why would anyone?!

It would be funny were it not so desperately sad . . . . . . I wouldn't even mind if they were funny, but they drone on and on with the same comments. Ad nauseam. Merely tiresome and nothing to do with music. If you can bear it, go and download the fine eclectic range of music the guys ( from Singapore) post there. Some real gems and this is no exception

Again I should point out my wonderful daughter turned me onto Phoebe Bridgers and her several band incarnations and another favourite artist Emily Barker (I think I have everything by her) even pointed Phoebe out [check the links to her old coffee posts!]  

Track 01. Motion Sickness 4:17
Track 02. DVD Menu/Garden Song 4:47
Track 03. Kyoto 3:46
Track 04. Punisher 3:15
Track 05. Scott Street 6:28
Track 06. Chinese Satellite 4:16
Track 07. Moon Song 5:16
Track 08. ICU 4:44
Track 09. Graceland Too 4:24
Track 10. Me & My Dog 4:25
Track 11. I Know the End 7:16

NB these links should play but be warned they will only be available whilst Big O make it so and they often take them down after a while to save on their bandwidth (obvs) so play them here if that works but download 'em now before thy become unavailable if you are a fan!

Phoebe Bridgers - Live in Mexico City 2022 - Big O


  1. Agreed about the Big O comment threads. I have said this before on the Big O: It's odd that Big O would allow just juvenile behavior on their otherwise stellar site. On the one hand, there is significant, serious content and on the other, the stupidest of comment threads. Enough is enough already. Ban the less-than-civil commenters. It doesn't seem that difficult, does it.

  2. ...And thanks for your blog, by the way. I'm loving it!

  3. Thanks so much Christopher! Comments much appreciated
    I am in touch with the guy who runs Big O and he is really nice and friendly guess he can’t really be bothered to actually do anything about the trolls but he has had a lot on his plate and in some regards (the brilliant newsletter he used to do with its info and quizzes etc) he has been winding down. He is well aware of the idiots commenting and has let me know in the past who was who and the collective trolls names when they used my name in vain and such but who really cares? His considered advice was to just ignore them. Sometimes its just fun when I am bored to poke them with a stick through the bars of their cages! That he continues to post links to ROIOs and the political articles without folks paying him anything is amazing enough. He is a great fellah!

    Have a great weekend and thanks so much for dropping by
