
Monday, June 19, 2023

Song of The Day (for Victor Jara) : Working Week [with Tracey Thorn, Robert Wyatt, Claudia Figueroa, Simon Booth] : GUESS I’M DUMB


Working Week with Tracey Thorn & Robert Wyatt Venceremos (We Will Win)(Bossa Version) (1984)

This beautiful song was a tribute to Chilean singer Víctor Jara, who was arrested, tortured and murdered by the Pinochet regime. Working Week was formed by Simon Booth out the ashes of Weekend, and on this tune, Tracey Thorn, Robert Wyatt and Claudia Figueroa share the vocals.

from Guess I’m Dumb


  1. Can't find the link Andy

  2. Well I made a right lash up of that!!!

    So sorry BC and Joan - there are now several options but none of which consist of an on screen player that I thought I had done!
    The links should now work but take you to the player
    Failing that the Guess I’m Dumb link will take you to his brilliant blog directly and you will find it playable there

    So SORRY!

  3. Thanks Andy - well worth the wait!

  4. You are so welcome and thanks for dropping by . . . .
