
Thursday, June 08, 2023

The Who: By Numbers 1975 + Odds And Sods 1974 | URBANASPIRINES

 A couple of odds and sods from Kostas this morning over at Urbanaspirines by 


lesser known add on albums, fillers if you will but none the less interesting to the collector and completist of work by The Who in 'By Numbers' and 'Odds and Sods' both rareish now on original vinyl and long out of print since 1993 re-issues. As ever Kostas writing on this pair is fascinating from his perspective and the art work as ever is full of excellent choices! (see link below)

THE WHO : By Numbers and Odds & Sods (74 & 75) - URBANASPIRINES




  1. Some interesting comments about downloads in the comment section too. Man if everybody felt like Josef there would be no need for music blogs. I download first for the music everything else is secondary. I want to hear the music then if I am so inclined I will then try to obtain a hard copy.

  2. Great band my friend. Great music.

  3. You are always welcome Kostas!

  4. Jobe - well said and duly noted! I agree!
    Mr Kloibers who comments so frequently on Kostas’ site must be the bane of his life and always has something not quite on the mark to say about everything he comments upon. His comments on The Who made me laugh out loud that and the fact he can’t be bothered to translate the Spanish visitors comments which curiously by sheer coincidence were pointed directly at him (sic) and he is nothing if not self opinionated!
    Kostas meanwhile is as always as polite as it is possible to be and is always especially tolerant of Mr Kloibers rants!

    He thanks me individually every time I post a link and after all the great effort he goes to this is unerringly kind!!!

    Isn’t t’internet great?!
