
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Victor Wooten bass solo with Cory Wong Chicago 2023


Now I am not normally someone who enjoys virtuosity for virtuosity’s sake (I left jazz behind for that very reason and mostly it just begins to sound the same . . . endless virtuosity doesn’t move me much unless of course you are someone like Oscar Peterson, Keith Jarrett etc etc you know a unique voice is always what I’m looking for!) But occasionally someone catches my eardrobes and blows my little cotton socks off!

Victor is one of those here . . . . . . Cory Wong I am ashamed to say I didn’t know but of course what I don’t know would fill a mountain hall!

Boogie on Victor (and Cory too!)


  1. Holy Crap neighbour - he's half decent! Like you, I don't usually go for this kinda stuff (what IS the point!), but strangely love it when I see it. Yikes! Cheers and keep up the great work. DD

  2. Spot on there Dave! Thanks so much and I suspected you might enjoy it!

    Thanks for dropping by as ever neighbour!
