
Saturday, July 15, 2023


 After double checking that this is long out of print (shouldn’t be but there you go!) nearly forgot to post this and its a doozie for a Saturday and no mistake. If there is anyone out there who hasn’t heard Shipbuilding or any of Robert’s post crash output you need this in your eardrobes! 

Frequently not listed in his discography this is worth exploring as it is a compilation of previously unreleased at the time singles and so on. As an intro it serves well and if you like what you hear go buy the solo work!

Here’s this . . . . . . . . . classic Robert Wyatt

UPDATE: I tweaked the covers a bit and hope you can now read the inserts!

I love this album and check the other links for Robert Wyatt posts here . . . . . .from Soft Machine to solo work and works like Ruth Is Stranger Than Richard (the first solo piece I bought I think) came this and single like Wind of Change etc etc

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