
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Ian Dury and The Blockheads - Sight & Sound In Concert 1977 (BBC) : Partial To Your Abracadabra & Billericay Dickie

 The posting of the Guvnor recently provoked such kind and appreciative responses I thought we best have some more . . . . . . (this are bein’ mostly for that Diamond Dave!  . . . . he are a neighbour ya know!?)

This is from the first live Sight & Sound gig I taped from the radio on a BASF cassette player! (ask your grandparents) I LOVE THIS gig!

New Boots and Panties indeed ๐Ÿ˜‰!

go on click it anyway!
Facebook The Blockheads’ site says

"It simply can't resist Boots and pants like this Abracadabra for all" - Ian Dury 'I'm Partial to Your Abracadabra' 1977 BBC Sight & Sound Live #iandury #blockheads
"Good Evening!" ๐Ÿ™‚ Sight & Sound In Concert BBC '77 Billericay Dickie
gertcha click it!


  1. I've always thought "You'll See Glimpses" should be the world's national anthem

  2. Ha ha ha ha . . . .BRILLIANT!
    Tragic loss our Ian!
    Great writer performer and actor!

    thanks as always for dropping by Brother Jobe

  3. Love it Andy. I too recorded that S&S concert - God knows where that's gone too.
    Just remember: "You should never hold a candle, If you don't know where it's been"
    Keep up the good work neighbour DD

  4. Knew you would love these . . . . !
    Top man you Dave!
    Thanks as ever for dropping by

    “I will buy you scarlet ribbons . . . . . . . Bernard Cribbins!"
