
Monday, August 07, 2023

Rob Stoner (Facebook) - Dylan archive letter

 Rob Stoner posted this letter he got from Bob and it made me howl much like it did him too! 

[I got this from Facebook and it would seem he liked my comment!?]

Rob Says:

Dylan and I were in his office discussing song arrangements for the '76 tour while he was going through the day's mail.

He showed me this letter and gave it to me as a souvenir when he saw how amused I was by it.

We both had a good laugh over this clueless promoter's ridiculous attempt to entice Bob into working with him.

The would be showbiz impresario obviously had no idea who Bob was!

Keefe Laundry was an alias BD often used. The clueless fool couldn't even get that one right!


Rob Stoner (via Facebook)


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