
Saturday, September 23, 2023

Sounds we bought when they came out | DONOVAN| CATCH THE WIND | ZEROSOUNDS

Donovan - Catch The Wind EP - 1965 | ZEROSOUNDS

Now continuing the sounds bought when they came out, I bought this as a single and then the Marble Arch (budget) label as an album. I love this title track and it meant a great deal to me as did Donovan in my early teens. Loads of us Brits thought nothing of the media driven rivalry between Bob and Donovan and were shocked when we saw Dylan drawn into it in the film Don’t Look Back. They got on clearly and Donovan was important (he taught finger style to John & Paul when they visited the Maharishi) of course not as important as Bob but that he has his place in Music History is a given. Hey Gyp Dig The Slowness I say!

Can you hear me now?

I think you can!

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