
Saturday, November 18, 2023

Inside LABOUR TOGETHER! - yes yes I know its from the TIMES but . . . . . . . .

The secretive guru who plotted Keir Starmer’s path to power with undeclared cash - 

or why I won’t be voting Labour ever again after four generations of socialist support I’m out!

• Keir Starmer’s chief aide ran a secretive group which played a “key role” in the Labour leader’s election

• Morgan McSweeney failed to declare £730,000 in donations to Labour Together, made by millionaire venture capitalists and businessmen, between 2017 and 2020 and misreported and underreported other payments

• In a January 2019 meeting in Westminster, he assured senior MPs that donations were being disclosed as required by law. This was not the case.

• In 2021, the Electoral Commission launched an investigation. Labour Together’s lawyers blamed “human error” - and did not mention McSweeney

• The group was fined, found guilty of more than 20 separate breaches of the law and told it had not given a reasonable excuse

• McSweeney was never publicly linked to the scandal and is now in charge of Labour’s preparations for the general election


The secretive cabal behind the expulsion of Corbyn to promote right of centre and install Starmer and the rightwing take over of the Labour party. Ever since reading The LABOUR FILES from Al Jazeera I have been keeping a close eye on the Torylite take over of what used to be a socialist party

The Forde Inquiry Report in full here

This investigation is drawn from interviews, analysis of public filings and leaked documents. The Electoral Commission documents were made available by Paul Holden, an investigative journalist whose book, “Keir Starmer, Labour Together, and the Crisis of British Democracy”, is published next year and is the basis of a series of forthcoming articles published by US journalist Matt Taibbi.

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