
Friday, November 17, 2023


               THEA GILMORE

The album is finally here!

So it’s here. Finally.

A brand new album.

You might think I'd be used to this process by now, right? Over 20 records, I should be an old hand at it.

But here’s the truth:

It’s terrifying.

Making music and calling it a job is the biggest privilege. I never forget that. One day, my luck may run out, or I'll be too exhausted to keep going. So, I genuinely cherish every day I get to do this.

A privilege, yes. But it’s not easy. These songs are hard earned. I often liken albums to kids. Making a record is a birth process of sorts and can be equally painful (man, that’s a new level of wankery, even for me! Bear with me.. it’s a train of thought.. it’ll arrive at a station soon I hope!)

Basically, these songs hurt. They’re built with real-life, blood and bone experience. Writing a song feels a bit like chopping a chunk of you out and carving it into a pretty shape so people can bear to look at it.

And that’s what it’s all about. Trying to re-shape experience so we can make a connection to each other.

We've all felt our hearts break, felt lonely.

We're all just doing our best. The beauty of music is those moments where we reach through the notes and hold onto each other. It's real and becoming more important every day in a polarized and ever-darkening world.

But releasing an album is a terrifying thing. Opening yourself up, putting every bloody organ and muscle on display. I spend most of my time scared, for anyone who thinks I’m some slick, cynical pro.

We live in times of hot takes and micro reactions. No one has space to breathe any more. Our inner and outer critics are so loud.

But we need to connect to live well. That’s why music always delivers hope.

So yeah. These songs hurt. They burned on the way out.. some with sadness, some with joy. But all of them with love.

And that is the point of the whole thing I guess. Love.

My wish for this album is that it finds you well, finds you open, brings a little light to your day and reminds you to hope.

Hold onto it if you want to. Pass it by if it’s not for you.

But whatever you take from it, know it was made with honesty and light.

Good luck little record. You have the floor.


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