
Friday, November 24, 2023

Thea Gilmore says of her new titular album . . . . . .

Writing the new songs . . . . . .The Bright Service (New Single out now)


My new album has been out for nearly a week.!

It’s been shown some real love by you guys. Thanks so much for reaching out and being kind, it means a lot!

You can’t please everyone though and I told you it’d be Marmite, so as expected, it’s had a little hate too. But I see that as a real achievement. 

I'm 20 records deep! Who wants to keep making the same album over and over again. If I’m not upsetting some of you, am I really even trying to make good art?

So to the haters. Thank you. You gave it a go, you didn’t like it, you had a moan. No one died (I hope!)

If you haven’t heard it yet.. please do check it out. Just follow this link and go to wherever you buy or stream music. 

Below is the good, the bad and the ugly. Because I always like to keep it real kids!

Here is a video to The Bright Service. I hope you enjoy it. It’s cheaper than therapy 👀

The Bright Service . . . . . 

The Bright Service
From the brand new album Thea Gilmore.

Stream/buy/download here:


I hope you rest
I’ll sing it right
I’ll sing
The bright service

Lend me your heart
A while 
I’ll start
To sing you the bright service

One of the hardest things I think I’ve learned is
How much easier it is to see the shadows than the light
Makes for a better song too
Who wants to hear if you’re looking up Thea
It’s the darkness that makes you relatable to
That makes you, you.
And I get that
I do
But here’s the thing

It’s been a tough few years
I know you know
We’ve all just muddled through
But I’ve been paying more attention
To what I pay attention to
And there’s a short in the circuit somewhere
And it’s deep at the root
At the centre of the algorithm
And the algorithm’s coming for you
Make no mistake.
It takes a lot more energy these days not to hate doesn’t it?
But here’s my light
Brace yourself
This won’t take long
I got the choice
And I think I was doing it wrong
The choice isn’t which side are you on
At the risk of sounding dumb
I think its..
It’s love.

Don’t get me wrong
I see the cracks
I’m still the belligerent
Original insomniac
And when I eventually sleep
My heart still takes me back
Born like a tsunami
A one woman army
Took a pharmacy to calm me
I am intimately familiar with the wringer
And when all else was lost
I still had the middle finger
But now
I’ve learned the curve
Learned to lean in
Found some temporary meaning
And when I wake up?
I wake up dreaming
I wake up dreaming
I wake up dreaming
Do you?

Just hold it tight
Keep it in sight
Tonight I’ll sing
The bright service
It’s time to rise
Just close your eyes
I’ll sing
The bright service
Peace to you Thea . . . . take the greatest of care . . . out there . . .and in here too!

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