
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Christmas? BAH!!

Johnny says there’s just about time to send me presents!



  1. Hi Andy, Just wanted to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas (have family arriving soon, with our 2 yr old grandson - so can't see me having too much time to myself - so thought I'd get this done now!). You've done some sterling work here neighbour, and in light of this I've bought you one of these:
    Yes, I know it's not much, but at least you get a new watch with it! Should be with you before the big day, if not let me know and I'll chase up Evri. Have a good one mate. DD

    PS If you wish to reciprocate, maybe you could get me one of these:

  2. Oh you are most welcome and thanks for this! I wish you all the best of the season Dave and hope you enjoy the seasonal festivities with all your family and especially your grandson! What lats I expect! (two is my mental age!)

    I will check out the links soon as and get right back to you!!! ? !!!

  3. Holy CRAP! Those are AMAZING!
    The Martin would defo be my choice!
    The Les Paul I have never been a fan of myself but my guitar playing pals think I’m nuts!
    [wot, like they didn’t know already!]

    cheers Dave
