
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

CLASSIC SONGS REVISITED | The Rolling Stones // Mick Taylor - Midnight Rambler - Full HD Hyde Park Live '13

Mostly at this time of year for my old friend, master DOP, Stephen Blackman (always sorely missed) and he it was who turned me (back) onto the Stones and we started collecting versions of this song for maybe obvious reasons (we found it funny! It’s a long story!)

He loved The Stones . . . . . . along with many other shared musical tastes (we last went to see Bob Dylan at The Roundhouse together !!). 

Guest star  #Mick_Taylor #Masterpiece
The Rolling Stones Play Midnight Rambler With Mick Taylor _ Hyde Park Live
Known As "Sweet Summer Sun" Hyde Park Live 2013

found at the always brilliant Facebook page 

Rock_N_Roll_Fantasy V.S.Rock

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