
Saturday, December 23, 2023



So Eko made a Vox guitar for them and this is what it could do.  
My first guitar was and still is a 12 string Eko (bought with money left me by my paternal Grandmother) and they are/were great! Didn’t know they did work for other brands but the guy from Guitars etc says its so. Think he must be wrong on the dates mind you, 1967 is awful early for something that incorporated fuzz box, wah wah anbuilt in tuner with such a range of controls but who am I to say he’s wrong ? . . . . Anyone?

Guitars Etc

1 comment:

  1. Love it, such a cool guitar. That's from 1968 ?!?!?! Wonder why they ain't doing them now - or is it due to them able to sell more stuff (eg wah wahs etc.) as additional. Wonder whether they stayed in tune too? If it's anything like my Vox (my first guitar), it ain't never gonna be in tune!!! Nice one Andy, keep up the good work my man! DD
