
Tuesday, December 12, 2023



Uncredited Photographer Pablo Picasso and Marc Chagall, Vallauris, France 1948

“When Matisse dies, Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what colour really is. I’m not crazy about his roosters and asses and flying violinists, and all the folklore, but his canvases are really painted, not just thrown together. Some of the last things he’s done in Vence convince me that there’s never been anybody since Renoir who has the feeling for light that Chagall has.” 

Pablo Picasso, to Françoise Gilot.

“What a genius, that Picasso. It’s a pity he doesn’t paint.” Marc Chagall, to Françoise Gilot.

Once the best of friends the two great artists fell out after a meal together one evening in 1964
at worst a touch of possibly drunken schnide or what we now might call male banter. The two artists never spoke again face to face.

Silly boys!

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