
Friday, January 12, 2024

David Bowie - You're A Dude Live L.A. 2004 | VOODOO WAGON (Jobe)

David Bowie - You’re A Dude live in LA 2004 - Voodoo Wagon

Jobe says : "I've been having trouble with blogger lately. Couldn't leave comments, would not sign me in etc. I had also noticed that when Voodoo Wagon came up on the other sites that shows what we have posted it said "Test" and that was because I was trying to figure out if Blooger would let me post at all. Finally with help from Google I figured it out. So if you find yourself in that predicament you will have to allow cookies. Things seems to be fine (for now) . We post a lot of Bowie here so I'm surprised this is one we haven't. See scans"

As Jobe points out there are currently problems with accessing the Wagon directly?! 
Anyone else?
I cannot get there but for circuitous routes and using history pages, here Brother Jobe mentions allowing cookies on Google but I cannot fathom why when we can get on sister (master?) site FBS but the Wagon eludes me but for the weirdest tangled route. I will update as we go but for the meantime if you are getting there okay yourselves, THIS DB is fascinating. Really mixed quality and odd things blipping and bleeping but eminently listenable for sure

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