
Saturday, January 13, 2024

 Meanwhile . . . . in Italy

Paolo Berizzi/La Repubblica Fascist Demonstration in Rome 2024

No not before WWII it was Christmas 2023 . . . . you know last month!
As covered by CBC News

Banned from Facebook (I think as we speak) and the authority’s are looking at banning the groups involved . . . . . . . . 

Those ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it. . . how many times do we have to hear this?

This would be 2024, not 1924. The world is such a charming place. I’m starting to think the only places on this planet safe from growing reactionary mania are some tiny island nations in the South Pacific…and they’re in danger of becoming uninhabitable due to flooding on account of glacial melt caused by global climate change. So the take away…are we ever screwed.

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