
Monday, February 12, 2024

Animal News! ( I know RIGHT!?) | The Pangolin!

Thought for the Day

I often post a Thought For The Day over on Facebook and social media (nobody reads those either ha ha ha ha ha) but thought it worth transposing here too! Now I love these wondrous little creatures but here’s what I discovered!

"This delightful looking creature is a pangolin.

We are currently sharing the planet with this little fellah but have got ourselves in the situation where it's scales are considered like rhino horn, like ivory, like tigers bones to be contained of some kind of perverse property so that they are worth more than gold (yes really!) more valuable than saffron. Amongst the most valuable substances on the planet. If ever you needed more evidence that the human race is amongst the most disgustingly perverted species infesting the planet upon which we live, let the pangolin be your example.

Help stop it if you can . . . . . ."

"Is there some poetic justice in the recent announcement that the wholesale slaughter of my beloved pangolin is revealed as the source of the coronavirus? 

Now if only trophy hunters were eaten by lions, Chinese medicine purveyors consumed by tigers, those seeking tingles in the winkle gored by rhinos then I might be happy!? 

Nothing so neat as the pandemic spreads wider and a random death toll rises but any more evidence is hardly required that we are as barbaric as our idiot ancestors aboard a ship of fools."

The MOST Trafficked animal on the planet and what does he do if approached he/she/they curl up into a ball! 

Find out more below!

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