
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

More Ear worms re-visited | PILOT [again] - JANUARY

As visitor and old pal and ex-colleague Phil dropped by to point out but Pilot were not a one hit wonder at all and indeed had another ear worm to their bow (how mixed a metaphor do you want?) so y’ere ’tis! January was a major no.1 hit both here and in the USA for several weeks . . . . . . . 

Drive you mad? 
Well close . . . . . . as Phil mentions songwriter Paton was a Bay City Roller for a couple of weeks along with Billy Lyall* on keyboards and flute (tho’ they never recorded with them ) and Davie especially came into his own as the singer writer and bass player for Pilot. Davie Paton and Billy Lyall had been part of a very exciting Edinburgh music scene playing in several local bands ... According to ex bandmates in the Rollers, Davie Paton was immensely talented and would be the one to teach new band members how to play the songs, regardless of which instrument, as he knew them all, They had minor hits with a couple of other songs written by Paton before splitting up in 1977.

Lyall sadly died from the early outbreaks of Aids in 1989 aged only 36 

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