
Thursday, February 29, 2024

NEIL YOUNG on todays recordings . . . . .. (Don’s Tunes - Facebook)


Photo Credits: Henry Diltz

Neil Young: If you're an artist and you created something and you knew the master was 100 percent great, but the consumer got 5 percent, would you be feeling good? I like to point that out to artists. That's why people listen to music differently today. It's all about the bottom and the beat driving everything, and that's because in the resolution of the music, there's nothing else you can really hear. The warmth and the depth at the high end is gone.

A lot of people that buy vinyl today don’t realize that they’re listening to CD masters on vinyl and that’s because the record companies have figured out that people want vinyl,” Young said in an interview with southern California radio show the Frame. “And they’re only making CD masters in digital, so all the new products that come out on vinyl are actually CDs on vinyl, which is really nothing but a fashion statement.”

Punk and rock and roll are all the same thing. Or what it degenerated from is what rock and roll is now. It’s not rock and roll. It’s pop. It’s fabricated for the masses. An imitation, a shoddy semblance of what it was. There are still people that play rock and roll, but they call this other music “rock and roll.” It’s Perry Como music compared to real rock and roll. Remember when real rock and roll started? There was real rock and roll, and then that other music that your parents listened to and everything? It’s like rock and roll now is the music that our parents listened to. It’s like gone.


Don's Tunes 

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