
Friday, March 22, 2024

I tried to run away myself, to run away and wrestle with my ego . . . a pioneer of the white lines on the freeway


This image always makes me howl! Such arrogance! Such an EGO! 
Van Gogh you most certainly are NOT!
So laughable it is hilarious were it not so all consumingly embarrasing.
Never a fine artist but an illustrator of some minor commonplace everyday sophomore talent to portray oneself as perhaps the worlds’s greatest expressive post-modernist painter reveals an arrogance of such proportions it beggars belief and is beyond laughable. 

It nearly makes me burst out laughing every time I see it

N.B. now the last time I was threatened by the web-sherriffs with any take down of copyright material it was the Mitchell cronies and presumably record label lackeys who objected to me posting of record album covers by fag ash Lil. Not helped perhaps by my criticism of the diva herself. Shall we take bets or maybe set a clock running as to how long it takes them to threaten for my usage again here . . . . . . . I give them hours!😉

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