
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Jacob Dylan (Neko Case and Kelley Hogan) - NPR Tiny Desk Concerts

Jakob Dylan on NPR - Tiny Desk Concerts (with Neko Case and Kelly Hogan)

 Just because I mentioned Neko the other day I thought I would re-post this. . . . love this album (Women and Country’, love Jacob, love this set . . . . . NPR said:

"There have only been a handful of Tiny Desk Concerts where NPR employees have overflowed our modest office space, stepping away from looming deadlines to hear some music. Jakob Dylan and his touring companions, Neko Case, Kelly Hogan and Paul Rigby, joined those ranks when they stopped by to perform a mesmerizing, stripped-down set of songs from his latest record, Women and Country.”
4 Apr 2010

NPR Music


  1. You ain't gonna like this, but his voice is a lot easier on the ear than his ol' man's!! This sounds really good, love the harmonies, must check out the album. Keep up the good work Andy. DD

  2. Oh I’m bigger n that Dave! Ha ha ha ha . . . I kinda agree!!?!!

    Love Jacob’s work . . . . . (better lookin’ than his ole man too!)

    Keep in touch mon brave . . . . .and as always thanks so much for dropping by
