
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

After being introduced to the drug she took to it with a zeal and all consuming fervour and ended up insisting on being paid for Rolling Thunder entirely in cocaine back in the seventies (that Morgellons had to come from somewhere what with all those coloured threads bursting through your skin, itchy & psychosomatic?)  

Of course, well it ain’t gonna photograph itself ya know! 

To support a four pack a day habit of nicotine sticks, with a North American Indian on so you know they’re “natural”  ha ha ha ha, poor Fag Ash Lil started at 9 and it’ll do that to ya, still thinks it’s rebellious (it really ain’t - it is the last sucker punch of addiction) but she felt bound to release yet another interminable album of self introspective navel gazing narcissistic tosh!! 

When you gonna wake up?! (you can do it in an afternoon by reading a book!)

How do I know? well I too was addicted for 47 years and believe me I KNOW! Dumb as Laurel Canyon was rich!

Aaah The Boho Dance! ðŸĪŠðŸ˜ŽðŸ˜

 after the only web sheriff’s to threaten me was Mitchell's label for my criticism of her smoking and attitude to same for using her album covers,( isn’t that just advertising for you?) I thought I would pen this in appreciation! All the facts above have been checked and doubled checked and in some instances are self admitted (Rolling what?) . . . . . 


  1. Wow !!! Joni looks good for what 93? Unfortunately my only vice, in this life (anymore) are my cancer sticks. A matter of fact I'm going to go outside now and have one.

  2. Sorry Brother I am a born again non-smoking junkie! Best thing I ever learned in rehab was how to stop the last addiction after a life time of being a professional smoker!!
    If you ever want to stop I would send you the Alan Carr ‘Easy Way To Stop Smoking’ book my friend! Came like a lightning flash!
    Love n stuff as ever, Jobe
