
Saturday, April 13, 2024


FBS message & take a break and why . . . . . . 

39,268 visitors in March



11,300+ visitors - 4 Posts, 5 comments (2 were mine)

The Blues Project - 50+ DL's - Comments 3 (1 for re-up - 1 response)
Fleetwood Mac - 60+ DL's - Comments 0
Frank Zappa - 180+ DL's - Comments 2 (1 mine)
Tom Waits - 120+ DL's - Comments 1

Now I hope you’re proud of yourselves!

The Boss over there gets terribly disheartened when nobody leaves a message (nb see above!). So you download whatever he makes available and say nothing?! 



  1. I actually visit there very occasionally, since there isn't much of interest for me. So I rarely download anything, and thus don't leave a comment. I didn't think it's appropriate to say 'no thanks' to all of those posts, but maybe I was wrong.

  2. Oh no Gman! Only if you use it and download something! I posted this just to tease those hundreds (thousands!?) who avail and don’t say anything? I consider that rude but suffer the opposite and am sure most folks just wish I would shut the F up!!

    You’re always welcome here mind you!
    Thanks for your comments all ways appreciated

  3. Hate to hear it but understand. I learned about a lot of music I never paid attention to. hope there is reconsideration to reopening the site!

  4. I must admit that I'm surprised that he didn't start with a 'hello, anybody out there. please remember to leave comments. i need to know what you're thinking.' Instead of going straight to anger and shutting the site down. This has definitely been brewing for a little while. But it has been a wake up call for me to remember to say thanks much more often...

  5. I think he got fed up of just asking that very same thing! After a while you just stop asking and hope that someone drops by and says ‘SOMETHING’! “ ANYTHING!” but if they don’t don’t its kinda upsetting when you look at the volumes of folk availing themselves! Download download and download and people just say nothing!? Sheesh!

    Just my opinion but ya get me Gman I know you do!

  6. Always welcome Howdy but drop by the FBS and VW and just even say ‘Hi!'

  7. Gman as a contributor to The Floppy Boot I am always happy to take requests. Just what is it you would like to see there?

  8. Thanks for dropping by Jobe. Hope all is well with you n the ‘boys’!?

  9. Hello Jobe! I'm an old classic rock and roller who also loves classic progressive music. I mostly find boot to download on So Many Roads, Albums That Should Exist, Soundboard, TUBE and a little from Heavy Boots and Hear Rock City and Live Bootlegs (for newer stuff). Sometimes I'll find something on Voodoo Wagon or Plumdusty. It's difficult to think of a specific request, but I always look for good quality 1980 boots of Camel, from the Nude tour; any Dixie Dregs that I haven't collected as yet, Chicago up until Terry Kath passed away, Ronnie Montrose and Gamma that I don't already have. And the list goes on. It's always hit and miss for me. If you'd like, I'll narrow it down more and let you know. I have thousands of boots that I've collected over the years and bring my pocket Tascam recorder with me to almost all of the concerts that I attend (for my own pleasure), but I'd be happy to share those with the world. Many would need to have the noisy crowd edited out though - I believe people have gotten ruder lately and want to talk through concerts these days... Anyway, thanks so much, G.

  10. Now THIS is what it’s all about . . .I trawl around so this exchange between Gman and my brother from another mother Jobe respond like that !
    Exactly what brother Jobe said about the BRILLIANT ‘New Adult Bookstore Motel Records and Liquor’ store is precisely what the internet is all about in my books and I visit it daily and chose things at random all the time - remembering to bore everyone silly with my gratitude of course!!!!

    Thanks guys! you make the world turn (well my world anyhoo!)
