
Monday, April 15, 2024

John B Sebastian on Bob Dylan


"Bob was a real hotbed of songs, very charismatic. He was never in one place too long, always moving on. Then when he started gaining fame at a much higher rate than me, our criss-crossing became less frequent. 

One night at the Gaslight, he uncorked “Chimes Of Freedom” for the first time. I stood at the back thinking, ‘What the hell happened to this guy since I last looked? Who gave him the Ten Commandments?’ 

It was borderline comical, because he’d always had this real kinda scufflin’ aspect to him, a real ragamuffin character. Then all of a sudden here he was with the strength of a Greek play every time he opened his mouth... "

[John Sebastian]

John and Bobby (on bass!) 1964

we mentioned John Sebastian and Bobby’s friendship early on and I had reflected and I wondered what had happened to it . . . . .here is maybe some insight from dear John and that he saw Bob’s development soar and leave him behind . . . . . perhaps 

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