
Monday, May 20, 2024

FRANÇOISE HARDY : IL VOYAGE 1969 | Guess I’m Dumb/disquenfrance

  • Track Name

    il voyage

  • Artist

    françoise hardy


françoise hardy - il voyage

Même un mauvais titre de celle là reste au dessus de la mêlée. Ou alors c’est carrément de l’aveuglement de ma part,mais concédez, il est difficile de ne pas l’être.

Françoise Hardy - Il Voyage (1969)

Françoise Hardy’s discography is sometimes difficult to figure out - this wonderful song is hidden on an EP released shortly before she left Disque Vogue label.

Et ni vu ni connu il disparaît, il n'est plus là

We haven’t really looked at this lassie much either . . . . I had been trying to find a quote of hers about beauty where somewhat disingenuously I felt she had stated that it is all illusion created by the record company, the designers and the A&R people . . . . . .check her out she is of course STUNNING!

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