
Friday, December 06, 2024

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Red House live in Stockholm, Sweden 1969


Jimi Hendrix Experience 

Someone posted this on Facebook and there followed an argument posited by someone that Jimi wasn’t really a very good guitar player!! [ "But not a reely good guitarplayer.
Just those pentatonic and simple tunes, if you'r reely onest. But again. Aperiens” sic! Håkan Persson] 109 responses thus far and all in favour of Jimi (surprise surprise) Guess I might have taken him more seriously if his spelling wasn’t atrocious! Dig the White SG - not often seen I don’t believe . . . . . . . 

I have ALWAYS loved this number!


  1. What?!?!? I say, what?!?!? Not a very good guitar player???? Seriously? God forbid, what has the world come to Andy? Jeeziz, I can't believe anyone would suggest such a thing. I suppose that's why Jimi's music is still relevant today, as he wasn't very good, eh?? Although I have to admit I don't particularly like seeing this phase of his career. Jimi always looks so fed up with everything during this time. Not a happy bunny that's for sure. I assume this was the time when he was told to just keep relentlessly touring all the time. To get around it I just close my eyes. I too love this song. Keep up the great work neighbour. DD

  2. I know right?! I figure he is gaslighting here. Just a silly statement from a Scandawegian! To rattle a cage or two? It worked ‘cos I was livid for a moment . . . . . then I played Bobby’s Idiot Wind and I was fine!

  3. Wow I wonder what Scandawegian would think of Rory Gallagher cause you KNOW he's never heard of him before

  4. Ha ha ha ha . . . .good point Brother J!
