
Sunday, January 03, 2016


Albert Julius Olsson (1864-1942), Moonlit Shore.
Found this wandering t'Internet and it appealed to me . . . . don't know Olsson but the list of what I don't know is . . . . . phew quite long by now! 
Just look at the light in this painting though! The light as it hits the foreground waves is astonishing but one's eye is drawn then to the light from above the clouds in the far distance. Extraordinary beautiful painting

Let's see what more we can find out about Olsson . . . . .surprised to find he's British!
this site is always helpful . . . .BBC - Your Paintings - Olson
 . . . this BBC site helps enormously and this painting appears to be one of many made of the coast of St. Ives in Cornwall quite how one paints au plain air at dusk or night time is beyond me but still . . . . . 

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