
Monday, January 04, 2016

Random . . . . . . pictures found around and about . . . . . .

The caption wherever I found this said . . . "This is not a picture from an old Buck Rogers movie. Motorcycle chariot racing was a real thing in the 1920s and 1930s.
Where did we go wrong that we don’t still have this?"

Fantastic shot! Reminds me of Ralph Gibson but is  by the Master photographer James Burke, New York City, 1960. Classic! Shapes light and shadow! Compositionally perfect IMHO

Speaking of composition and light an dark . . . . . . 

Lennart Olson :: Traffic Light, Stockholm, 1970

This reminded me of Ralph Gibson also but isn't . . . . . it also could have been a favourite and friend Paddy Summerfield who has probably done more than anyone to educate me to the wonders of the photographic world along with the family copies of 'The Family of Man' catalogue that I grew up endlessly perusing, that and fellow art student Tom Wood

Three Men Participating in First Marathon During 1896 Olympic Games

This may amuse many that know me by my total lack of competitive bones in my body let alone sporting prowess! My sports master once reflected that I stood a good change of winning a race so long as they pointed me away from the school. I know nothing of who took this shot and can only reflect my amusement in that THIS is what the Olympics used to look like!

David Hurn, Julie Christie on the Underground, London, 1965
There are loads of these early shots of Julie Christie and David Hurn is another master of British photography. I will try and find more . . . . . . . .

And finally this morning for this post  a favourite revisited . . . . . one of my favourite Marilyn Monroe sessions and I found the added notes on the Internet which is why I post it again here

“At the Santa Monica beach we did pictures together all day long, constantly, and it was getting late in the afternoon and the sun had gone done and it was getting windy and she was at the last moment getting very exhausted and tired and she said, 
George, I hope this can be the last picture’ 
and I said, ‘I promise it is’. 
She was dressed in her sweater and she had a little blanket covering her legs, she leaned forward, puckered her lips and she blew a kiss to me and she said, 
‘This is just for you’. 
I’ll never forget this day as long as I live.” -George Barris

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