
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

You know it and guess what? Elvis stopped for me after the 1968 "comeback" concert! The person who refused his fans or never came to the UK (what you can't disagree with your tour manager?) It was downhill after that which is early for my musical learnings and after which the Beatles and almost every true creative musical genius comes after. As opposed to a 'singer' of the earlier Rock'n'Roll purist era. Alongside a list of creative greats (at least equals if not superiors where these guys wrote their own stuff too!) Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Buddy Holly, Bill Haley, Roy Orbison (his favourite singer, at least he had taste) this guy wrote nothing, merely that earlier generations crooner. 

Dumb as soup, Elvis brought Nixon a gun as a present which was swiftly removed by security services

A couple of years later this is the man who blamed the Beatles openly for the back lash against America and arranged a meeting with the POTUS Richard 'Slimeball' Nixon to see if he could offer his services as a narc reporting and grassing up any contemporaries who chose the life of drug taking and narcotics which he feared despite dying some few years later with eleven medications in his system ethinamate, methaqualone, codeine (at ten times the usual prescriptive does though not considered a fatal amount - sic!) and several barbiturates. codeine  and barbiturates "downers" all in significant quantities although the medical examiner said four other drugs-the antihistamine chlorpheniramine, meperidine, morphine and Valium-were found in what were said to be insignificant amounts. He dies apparently of a massive heart attack having fallen off the toilet.
ahem . . .  a rose between two er . . . . . Viola tricolor var. hortensis
The singer became a fat (he weighed 350llbs or 25 STONE) bloated almost beyond recognition this repressed Las Vegas cabaret artist in his chintz fest of a home beyond the boundaries of kitsch and any taste whatsoever ever, phoning in desultory lacklustre performances of songs he appeared to care little about in white too short bellbottoms, belts that would have fitted a small family car and matching white jacket covered with rhinestones worthy of a Las Vegas showgirl. 

At home it got worse as he surrounded himself with his sycophantic boys gang of 'yes' men who cared so little for the cash cow they milked it for all it was worth and made sure his every childish whim was indulged so that he died alone on the toilet with a bowel so compacted as a result of a diet so poor he had constipation for over four months with a highly impacted colon from all those bacon banana peanut butter toasties (8,000 calories approx - Elvis it is claimed consumed between 64,000 and 94,000 calories a day) and a cocktail of medications that would have killed anyone let alone a heart that was creaking under the strain by then being mostly bedridden and employing a permanent in-house nurse. Self indulgent over consumption worthy of the worst excesses of the fall of Rome. 
He was 42

I am a Beatles fan . . . . . .

Fool's Gold Loaf is a sandwich made by the Colorado Mine Company, a restaurant in Denver, Colorado. The sandwich consists of a single warmed, hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with the contents of one jar of creamy peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, and a pound of bacon. The sandwich's connection to Elvis Presley is the source of its legend and prolonged interest. According to The Life and Cuisine of Elvis Presley, it was the focus of a midnight sandwich run by Elvis Presley and his friends. Taking his private jet from Graceland, Presley and his friends purchased 22 of the sandwiches and spent two hours eating them and drinking Perrier and champagne before flying home. The story became legend and the sandwich became the subject of continued media interest and part of numerous cookbooks, typically focused around Presley's love of food.

cheap shot I know but sheesh he went all the way to the States to get this shot?!

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