
Friday, July 06, 2018

Oh just look at this from Jeff Harris' 'Behind The Grooves'

On this day in music history: July 6, 1957 - John Lennon meets Paul McCartney for the first time at the Woolton Village Fete in Liverpool. They are introduced to each other by mutual friend Ivan Vaughn. The then sixteen year old Lennon is there with his skiffle band The Quarrymen, who are performing on a flatbed truck in the church garden. McCartney (fifteen years old at the time) attends the fete at the invitation of Vaughn. Following the bands performance, Lennon and McCartney meet. During this meeting, McCartney sings and plays the Eddie Cochran song “Twenty Flight Rock” (along with several other songs). He also shows Lennon how to properly tune a guitar. Impressed with McCartney’s musical skill, Lennon asks him to join The Quarrymen a short time later and he accepts. The first meeting between two teenagers marks the beginning of one of the greatest songwriting partnerships, and the genesis of one of the greatest rock & roll bands in history.

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