
Saturday, October 03, 2020

 Floppy Boot Stomp/ Voodoo Wagon

Couple of essential re-ups (its a word, no really you know what I mean re-boots?) from Brother Jobe this morning over at the ROIO Central! (where else is there?)


and over at Floppy HQ the quite extraordinary and indispensable Complete Infidels Sessions
from our Bobby

see previous link for contents shots

Brother Jobe says:

WOW!!!! people it looks like our time on earth maybe coming to an end, what with this new Coronavirus everywhere I don't think we have much time. Look I don't want to scare anybody but.....However we here at the Jobe Medical Center for the prevention of STD's are working on ways to stop this deadly outbreak. These are some of the experiments we are currently working on.

1. Smear dog shit all over your body (head to toe) this will certainly keep others from coming into contact with you.
2. Where your MAGA hat everywhere, this will assure that people of your ilk only come into contact with you (and of course we know that wearing a MAGA hat, nothing will stick)
3. After purchasing your meth, find a homeless person (that's easy enough) offer him a toot, and if  he/she suddenly wants to take a bath send it (the meth) to our labs for further testing
4. DO NOT GO OUT OF YOUR HOUSE FOR ANYTHING UNTIL JUNE 14TH when it will be warm and by that time the virus will have disappeared
5. Buy stock in the Jobe surgical mask company (right now it's tanking but just wait) then with the money you make you can live the high-life for your last few days (note this is a not a cure but a way for you to have some fun)
6. Purchase a copy of Lulu by Lou Reed and Metallica blast this at all times and everyone will stay away from you
7. Watch Fox news and be oblivious to everything that is going on in the world, that way if you don't hear about the Coronavirus it certainly can't get to you. (The less you know the more we thrive)
Well folks in conclusion these are just 7 of the current experiments we are working on at this time but stay tuned to this site for the latest updates. See scans


Awww shucks! A mention and no mistake! thanks Jobe

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