
Sunday, May 02, 2021

Page & Plant '98 - Viva Las Vegas - Hear Rock City

 Page & Plant 98!

Blimey its a busy weekend here in blogspot city . . . . . . . . had kinda given up on Led Zeppelin apart from Southampton rarity the best boot ever and then finding more of similar quality came as a shock but here's a beauty from 1998 when Jimmy and Robert 'reformed' to present new material and revisit Led Zeppelin classics and then some . . . . . this is heavy! Great quality and great fun! Where? From the master of heavy rock ROIO's and no equal (well nearly in that at least one of the boots of Led Zeppelin is featured by Voodoo Wagon!) Hear Rock City who specialises in Heavy Metal . . . . . you know you want it!

Blimey this ROCKS!


In reply to Jobe from Voodoo Wagon who posted an enquiry about the Zeppelin ROIOs I mentioned above  there is this the following was previously the greatest (IMHO) legendary Long Lost Bootleg of Led Zeppelin that caused me to let go all previous ones was Southampton in '73

which I have no links to anymore (P.M. me if you want it!) and yet . . . . . . 

Then the boys at Floppy Boot Stomp and Voodoo Wagon as well as Hear Rock City have found boots that are at least as good I reckon and bearing in mind I have bee known to say the Southampton Great Lost Set was BETER than Mothership! the official live album . . . . . . .which may be stretching a point but I did believe it at the time . . . . 

So others worth checking out (at least!) and you should really have this lot


  1. I agree with you about Led Zeppelin. However your commentary about a Southampton show has my interest. Can you tell me the name of the show (boot)? I think I know of which you mention but I'm not sure. You also mention "finding more of similar quality" could you clue me in as to what those are?

    Thanks Andy

  2. Hey Jobe! Thanks for dropping by again brother Jobe and check out the UPDATE on this post for my reply with a list of Led Zeppelin ROIOs
    Hope all is well with you!
    Keep on keeping on!
